
‘Ketamine offered me…hope’: One person's journey to recovery

Today, we post a link to a candid and honest blog about a personal journey through lost hope, treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, and thoughts of suicide. Susan Gayhart shares her discovery of Ketamine and the profound changes it had made in her life and the lives of her family.

Here is what Susan writes:

I don’t want to sound fanatical, but the fact is, I am living. I am establishing and rebuilding my foundation from the crumbled debris. I am the architect and I get to decide what my future will look like without the depression ninja dictating my actions and reactions.

Susan’s depression crippled her. She distanced herself from life and was swallowed whole by the pain and rawness that is Treatment Resistant Depression. She tried running away from it. Quite literally. She was training for a marathon. She felt she needed to run and was not taking any rest days. At the end, her mind and her body shut down, and it felt to Susan that they have betrayed her. She would go into hiding when the symptoms were at their worst, which robbed her of so many things, opportunities, and even more so of connections with other people.

Her husband found out about Ketamine, and reluctantly Susan agreed to give it a try.

She does not speak much about the treatment process, but advocates strongly for it.

I want to speak to those that are still struggling to locate relief. I want to shout that Ketamine has allowed me to put the brakes on all the hospitalizations and suicide attempts. It has made it possible for me to rebuild a life I thought was over. It has been a long and oftentimes tedious adventure. I wanted, no needed, to go back and not forget the intensity of my depression and where I was before Ketamine, in order to possibly help others suffering out there alone and hopeless.

You can read the full story posted by Susan here.