Ketamine Infusion Therapy Procedure

What To Expect

Initial treatments, known as stabilization treatments, are generally condensed into a single week. We will evaluate your progress closely after the stabilization period and develop an individualized maintenance protocol based on your specific medical needs.  You will receive ongoing infusions thereafter, which are known as maintenance treatments, with the goal of progressing into longer intervals between treatments.

Initial Consultation

Prior to treatment, we will review your medical history and go over several necessary forms and documents to determine the right ketamine infusion therapy procedure for your pain or condition. You will need to complete and sign these forms prior to your initial consultation and have them with you on the day of the consultation.

What To Expect At Our Ketamine Treatment Center In Gainesville, FL

Day of Treatment

Preparation for the treatment

  • Avoid consuming solid food or dairy products for at least six hours prior to treatment.
  • Liquids such as water or black coffee may be consumed up to four hours before the start of the procedure.
  • Alcohol and other illicit drugs should be entirely avoided prior to ketamine therapy.
  • Take your normal medications the morning of your treatment with a sip of water.
  • Benzodiazepines and other pain-controlling narcotics may reduce the effectiveness of infusion therapy and should be discussed with our staff prior to the first treatment.
  • Remember to bring proper ID, consent and referral forms, and other medical documents to this initial visit.

During the treatment

  • You will not be put to sleep, but you may feel relaxed enough to fall asleep.
  • The length and dose of the infusion depend on your diagnosis.
  • Your vital signs will be closely monitored by a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) throughout the entire infusion.
  • No food or beverages are permitted during the infusion.
  • Wearing comfortable clothing is recommended and patients are permitted to bring pillows and blankets if so desired.
  • Music may be listened to with headphones during treatment.
  • Please turn off all cell phones during treatment.
  • Do not read or watch movies during treatment.

After the infusion

  • You must have someone drive you home after your infusion.
  • Do not drive or operate heavy machinery for 24 hours.
  • Prescribed medication can be consumed normally after the effects of the procedure have worn off.
  • Fatigue, dizziness, and other mild side effects may occur, and normally resolve shortly after the completion of treatment.
  • In the event of chest pain, hives, shortness of breath, increased weakness, or other forms of allergic reactions, patients should immediately seek medical attention.